NO COMPROMISE – inactive

Adelaide  SA
keith green

28 July 1982, a mans work was done & the Lord took him home.

Many thought his work had yet much to achieve, but the Lord knew better.
Many questioned….doubted, the Lord’s wisdom in taking two children, but the Lord knew better.
Many questioned….doubted, the Lord’s wisdom in taking a Church planting couple and their six children, but the Lord knew better.

Many STILL question, doubt, are in pain and mourn……….

But the man who was taken…lives on.  His music is alive.
It lives in everyone who has ever heard it.
It lives in millions of lives touched by the message.
It will never die, until IT’S work is done!

‘No Compromise’ is one of the most iconic Keith Green albums. How apt then for the name to be carried by a Keith Green covers band who continue the work of these blessed songs.

Based in Adelaide, NO COMPROMISE

No Compromise on FaceBook
No Compromise website


